Sunday, 28 September 2014

We now got our personal territory :)

We have now been given our personal territory and its quite a distance away from where we currently live.
However it seems to be well worth it travelling there :)

The congregation went out with us today to show where it is, educate us about the layout and helping us understand what type of people who lives there.
It was so different compared to the center of town where people are more materialistic and westernised.

It was soo good we did not have time to visit many houses; instead we spent a lot of the morning in two only; very fruitfull.

The first was a young man about 25-30 in age... he was the most educated person I met up to date in our journey to Central America. 
He had lots of insight and asked us very good questions about everything between....
    1. The Bible and what makes the New World Translation "different".
    2. The religious and political layout of the middle east & the absurd (but very real) difference between the Jews and Muslims.
    3. He had fantastic insight into our latest Watchtower and Awake regarding the extreme speed we are destroying our planet + the logical conclusion that in a few decades at this speed our future is  doomed. We cannot continue to consume more than we put back (even if we try to recycle 100%).
Im looking forward to discussing with him again, very knowledgeable and interesting chap.

Mily met a family (especially the wife) who was quite upset by the hypocrisy in many religions... so we highlighted why we are different and reject rather than accept many of the things she seen in other churches. She seemed very impressed and wanted to talk more to us... she even asked where/when Jehovah's Witnesses meet in town.

Because it seems so good over there we will try to move closer to this area. But the problem is there are not many places to rent in the area for some reason.
If that fails we will try to move closer to the bus that goes over there so we don't waste time travel across town.