Sunday, 21 September 2014

If you are NOT a Jehovah's Witness

I thought I could write a special post to all followers of this blog that are not Jehovah's Witnesses (we got quite a few actually).

The reason is ... I suddenly realised how I sometines take things for granted because I am a JW.... and I will try to explain a bit here now why I said so.

For example....the way we live with strangers/people who we can trust is an aspect of true Christianity that money can not buy... just to be able to trust (and be trusted) by people you never met before and don't even know.

Below is something that happened to us on numerous occasion whilst traveling; not only on this trip but in general in the past as well.

We have gone to the other side of the world ending up in cities and villages where we never been before and there we meet people we never met before.
They open their doors to their homes in full trust to us and provide access to all amenities; and many times providing food and other things needed too. 
Besides that; they at times give you their keys to their houses in full assurance that we will look after it and not steal/destroy or damage anything while they are away from the property whilst we live in it.

As most of you know;  I have not always been religious and I also have quite a "wide scope and outlook" in my life since I lived and travelled around the world on many continents. But I have still never come across any other organisation or religion on planet earth where this type of actions is NOT an exception but rather it is the norm!!!

It's simply something unique that I never come across before (and I have lived and travelled in many places + cultures where I met many individuals, faiths and attitudes).

Obviously I am not a JW simply to get a "free ride" when I travel; but it is an aspect that deserves mention in regards to true Christianity.... and I thought I could mention it because most people will never experience this type of trust and hospitality in their entire lives....
Today I realised I might (on occasions) take it for granted and think "its normal" however it is everything BUT normal.

It truly is a great experience to have such a close knitted brotherhood around the world.