Saturday, 13 September 2014

On route still

Woke up 3.30 in the morning yesterday!!!
Then a few local brothers in Totogalpa helped us with the luggage to the bus that left 5 in the morning. 
After a lot of struggle, problems and hiccups (both in Nicaragua and Costa Rica) we  finally ended up in San José around 21.00 in the evening.

We staid one night with a couple from the deaf speaking congregation. They are both hearing but have dedicated their time and energy to learn the sign language and help the deaf community here.

Its a bit weird though.... for example coming back to a shower with hot water??!!
We have been without hot water for 4 months and forgot such a thing even existed... Isn't funny it funny how quickly one gets used to things.

Currently sitting in the San Jose bus station waiting for the next part of our journey; a 4 hours trip to San Isidro. That is a fairly small place we are going to and I guess it might be different. .. but on the other hand it is STILL Costa Rica so maybe they have hot water... maybe?  ;)