Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Cutest ever?

One of our friends just got a puppy. .. tiny tiny and cute cute.
Only 1 month old :)

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

What IS this actually?

Almost every evening we get these HUGE bugs flying around in the flat.
But they are so laughably incompetent and flies into walls/doors and everything else.
Thus one wonders... what did Jah think of when he made these creatures who can't even fly straight and look after themselves!!?!?!!

Took the opportunity

Since dentistry is slightly cheaper here than in the UK we took the opportunity to clean our teeth here in Costa Rica today.

Monday, 23 February 2015

If all else fails

If all else fails ...
1. We forgot to buy something.
2. Or run out of something in our food supply then we go to this corner shop to get some essentials.
They dont have a lot in their store (which is a room in their house only).

They keep asking all the time about where I come from & how is life in England etc etc.
We often speak about spiritual things as well and I left a few WT etc... so hopefully planting a seed for the local brothers to continue working on in the future.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

The Kingdom Hall is ..... hot hot hot.

This time of year you got a warm welcome in the Kingdom Hall in more ways than one ;)

Those things in the ceiling are fans trying to cool us down, and if you sit right under one they are doing a pretty good job actually ;)

Saturday, 21 February 2015

A "Tica" meal

Me & the wife got invited for a "Tica" meal in a sister's restaurant today as a send off present.

The sister was taught in San Jose by Chinese chefs so Chinese is her speciality believe it or not. But we went for the "Tica" option though  ;)

Since we now have to sell off our meager belongings before we leave (that includes our basic cooker) we might actually return to eat here again fairly soon.

As we were eating someone passed with a newly born cat in a box to give away to whomever wanted it. 

The cat did not end up in the oven or stove in case you wonder ;) LOL

This will not be the case

This sight will NOT be the case when we go back to England and preach... thats for sure!!!
Clear sky without clouds and a merciless sun striking us with heat above 30 degrees Celsius.
HOT, HOT, HOT !!!!

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Sad but true...

Our spiritual journey to Nicaragua and Costa Rica is fast approaching the termination point. .. not much time left now... counting the days to our departure :(

Both Nicaragua and Costa Rica have been absolutely fantastic experiences on all levels... and we made many new friends in the process :)  We thank them all for their patience with us and our limited Spanish.... and also for trying to teach us their local versions of Spanish including their culture.
It goes without saying that we will never forget the brothers and sisters in Totogalpa and in San Isidro; neither forget our Bible students and the interested people we met.

Also, thanks to all following our blogs and thanks for all positive feedback we had on them (from both believers an unbelievers).
Even though we could not write about everything that happened to us in the blogs we hope it was enough for you to get at a small taste of what we experienced on our journey to this side of the planet.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

1 Cor 7:31 from a technical perspective

Since I'm a technical geek (it's my profession after all) I'm often reflecting on mankind's progress in the technical realm as well as in the social, religious and scientific areas.

I was looking at Mily's phone today and thought to myself that new technical gadgets are always expensive because manufacturers have to get their investments back; this is often years of development without any genuine income during the process.
Back in 1980 you would for example have to pay around £3000 to get a sample of the worlds first portable mobile, it was the Motorola 8000X that the executives and yuppies bought to impress others and to look important. Besides the big price the size of the phone was humongous as well.

Nowadays this technology is so low cost that "normal people" like you and me can buy phones that are more powerful than many computers were back then.
Actually this technology is now so cheap that some people even got several phones; or as in the case with my wife ... we bought a banger for her to use for a couple of months (£15 only).

Times have certainly changed ;)

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Don't they never learn?

Seems like the small animalitos never learn in Costa Rica.
A flat toad in front of our house. ... yet another example of not looking right or left before crossing the road ;)

The Quebradas river behind our flat

It's dry season now and this is how the Quebradas river looks like behind our house in Costa Rica (I don't know if you can spot the people in the distance that are having a bath).

Saturday, 14 February 2015


Today we went to a place 1hr away from where we live to assist in the building a new Kingdom Hall.
It was a great time and I took some snaps with my mobile ;)

Monday, 9 February 2015

Absolutely awesome ! !!!!!!

This was just an outrageously fantastic experience!!
An awesome event!!

My brother in law said he was paying for me to do this ... and it was the best gift ever. .. we both enjoyed this to the extreme and here are the photos to prove it.

It was a lot easier to learn than I expected  as well; thus after 10 min training we were able to do it without any major problems.

The only hiccup was in the beginning when i was learning. I fell in front of the water-scooter which was speeding in the wrong direction.... and for this reason it ended up driving over my face so I now got a black eye as a result.
But it was worth it anyway ;-)

Smallest Kingdom Hall ever

We drove past a native Indian reserve up in the North of Costa Rica and came across this Kingdom Hall. ... the smallest I ever seen!!!
It was around 1.5 hrs drive from Golfito but I'm afraid I don't know what language they spoke (the sign is how it's written at least).

Sadly we met no JWs but tried to approach the others in the comunity but they were very suspicious ... so I could not take any photos or anything (not even sneaky photos) because the were so "on the edge" and watched us at all times.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Chinese community

When in San Jose we understood they have a huge Chinese community in Costa Rica!

We noticed they got their own newspaper, their own Bank their own area in town (a China town like in London& New York etc) and they also got their own JW meetings/congregation.

MANDARIN meetings at...

Sur, San José (SJ)

Río Segundo-Alajuela, Ala.

Ebola? ??

This is a genuine poster I came across but I really don't understand why they are paranoid about Ebola in Costa Rica.

Maybe the government here knows something we don't? ??

Saturday, 7 February 2015

The North

Thanks to Mily's brother we managed to go outside the area where we been since we arrived.
We are now up in the north of Costa Rica and this is how it looks here!!!
Jah's creation is "pura vida"  ;)

Snake and snakeskin

Snake and snakeskin

Friday, 6 February 2015

More animalitos

Some more animalitos we come across; but this time it was not in the ministry though.